News & Events
VINCI Seminar featuring Terri Griffith
We are pleased to have Terri Griffith from the Simon Fraser University presenting at our SFU VINCI seminar.
VINCI DLS talk featuring Rick Szeliski
As part of SFU’s Distinguished Lecture Series, we are excited to have Richard Szeliski from Google DeepMind / University of Washington.
VINCI VCR/AI seminar featuring Vova Kim
As part of our at our SFU VINCI Visual Computing and Robotics (VCR) Seminar series, we are excited to have Dr. Vladimir (Vova) Kim from Adobe Research.
VINCI Seminar featuring Frédérik Lesage
We are pleased to have Frédérik Lesage from the Simon Fraser University presenting at our SFU VINCI seminar.
VINCI Seminar featuring Sean Munson
We are pleased to have Sean Munson from the University of Washington presenting at our SFU VINCI seminar.
VINCI Seminar featuring Philippe Pasquier
We have Philippe Pasquier from Simon Fraser University presenting at our SFU VINCI seminar.
SFU@NeurIPS 2024
This year NeurIPS 2024 will be in downtown Vancouver. We will be hosting a series of talks in parallel to the conference. We will have nine speakers from both academia and industry, scheduled over three consecutive mornings 9am-11:30am (Dec. 11, 12, and 13). See for details. -
VINCI Computer Vision Seminar featuring Yağız Aksoy
We have Yağız Aksoy from Simon Fraser University presenting at our SFU VINCI seminar.
Shaping the Future with AI: Innovations in Visual & Interactive Computing
The event will feature a panel session discussion and a research poster session/mixer to highlight state-of-the-art research at the intersections of AI with visual & interactive computing, and to facilitate networking between SFU faculty and students, alumni, and industry practitioners. To register, see the eventbrite page. -
VINCI HCI Seminar featuring Mike Payne
We have Mike Payne from Lumotive presenting at our SFU VINCI seminar.
VINCI ML Seminar featuring Maxwell Libbrecht
We have Maxwell Libbrecht from Simon Fraser University presenting at our SFU VINCI seminar.
Explore SFU Visual Computing and Robotics
We have a special event that showcases SFU’s research in AI, visual Computing, and robotics. The event will feature a research talk by Dr. Konrad Tollmar, Head of Research at Electronic Arts (EA), and will allow for upper year CS undergrads, visiting students from Europe to socialize with current SFU grad students and tour the ixLab, GrUVi, and Robotics Lab.
VINCI DLS talk featuring Maneesh Agrawala
As part of SFU’s Distinguished Lecture Series, we are excited to have Maneesh Agrawala from Stanford.
Visual & Interactive Computing in the Age of AI: Interpretations and Research Challenges
Mini-workshop to discuss visual and interactive computing and research challenges -
VINCI VCR seminar featuring Mary Czerwinski
We have Mary Czerwinski from Microsoft Research presenting at our SFU VINCI seminar.
VINCI DLS talk featuring Scott Hudson
We are pleased to have Scott Hudson from Carnegie Mellon University presenting at our SFU Distinguished Lecture series.
VINCI HCI Seminar featuring Wolfgang Stuerzlinger
We are pleased to have Wolfgang Stuerzlinger from Simon Fraser University presenting at our SFU VINCI seminar.
VINCI HCI seminar featuring Ben Shneiderman
We have Ben Shneiderman from University of Maryland presenting at our SFU VINCI HCI seminar.
Impacts of Large Language Models and AI on Society
Mini-workshop to discuss impact of LLMs and AI on society -
VINCI VCR seminar featuring Jamie Shotton
We have Jamie Shotton from Wayve presenting at our SFU VINCI Visual Computing and Robotics (VCR) seminar.
VINCI VCR seminar featuring Emily Whiting
We have Emily Whiting from Boston University presenting at our SFU VINCI seminar.
VINCI VCR seminar featuring Daniel Weiskopf
We have Daniel Weiskopf from University of Stuttgart presenting at our SFU VINCI Visual Computing and Robotics (VCR) seminar.
VINCI DLS talk featuring Pat Hanrahan
As part of SFU’s Distinguished Lecture Series, we are excited to have Pat Hanrahan from Stanford.
VINCI Meet and Greet
Kick-off event where VINCI members meet and participate in discussion -
VINCI created!
We are excited to announce the creation of VINCI: Visual & INteractive Computing Institute. The VINCI institute integrates world-class research at SFU on visual-computing (VC), human computer interaction (HCI) and surrounding areas, in alliance with growing tech-hubs in the greater Vancouver area as well as across Canada. The institute consists of the school of Computing Science at the core together with the School of Interactive Arts & Technology (SIAT), the faculty of Communication, Art and Technology (FCAT), the faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS), the Beedie School of Business, the Faculty of Education, the Faculty of Environment, the Faculty of Science, and other schools in the Faculty of Applied Sciences (FAS).